Sunday, January 31, 2010

We Must Do Our Exersise

Probably the vast majority of people out there don't like doing exercise. I know it is so hard for me to get out and do the requisite 30 minutes per day! People have busy schedules and for many people there are so many other things that they would rather be doing than exercising! So I thought I might share how I try and get out there and get my heart rate up to burn off some of the calories I munch.

Firstly, I have always found it very difficult to get motivation to exercise and for a while there I just was getting bigger and bigger and not burning the energy I was consuming. Especially while I was in Italy, but thats another story! Then I finally found something that actually made me kind of excited to get in my gym shorts and that has definitely made a difference to my out look. I found pole dancing!

For anyone who is not aware pole dancing is great for fitness, it builds up your upper body strength and is good for overall toning because you are working so many muscles you would barely otherwise use, and let me tell you, you will feel it after the first few times!

Another way that I found to exercise is talking to my partner about working out together. He is pretty fit and has always gone to the gym two times a week for weights and stuff, but together we started running. At first it was hard slog and I could not even run 100 meters without panting something terrible and getting the worst most incapacitating stitch ever! But now after about 2 years of running I can easily control my breathing and run at a steady pace for ages.

I don't really enjoy running, but it is an hour a day of extra time that I get to spend with my partner which is nice. The bad thing about it? We have to run before work otherwise we don't have the motivation, and that means getting up at 5:15 am to run! J has to continually remind me to get up and throw my running things at me so I can get dressed while in bed or else there is no getting me up! I then complain for the whole time how tired I am and how I need to get to bed earlier. I appreciate the exercise most of the time though.

So I guess what I did to make getting through some exercise for me was:
1) find something I enjoy doing that doesn't even feel like exercise.
2) just keep at it! If you keep going with it you will get fitter, and it will get easier!

Thats what anyone will tell you, and of those magazines with the "20 top tips to get a sexy body", but its true, and it has worked for me. I don't have the motivation to do exercise off my own back, but with a little help and a friend or 2 to motivate me, I have been able to really revolutionize my attitude.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Doctors Surgery

Recently while at the doctors surgery, after I had had my check up I had been weighed and measured and had something stuck in a very unfortunate place just to thoroughly amuse my doctor, I was sent to reception to settle my bill. The lady behind the counter started waxing lyrical about my skin, saying how lovely it was and how she was trying all these foundations to get lovely skin.

Let me give you some advice. As your skin matures you will not be looking like a 24 year old forever. Cherish it while it lasts. If you are already suffering the pit falls of a life of oily, dry or sundamages skin, there are a few key things you can do to make it look more youthful.
To close enlarged pores; use an asprin mask. About 3 asprin (the effervescent kind) and about half a teaspoon of water all ground up together then massaged into your skin and left to dry for 15 minutes is amazing for closing those enlarged pores also for brightening skin tone.

Mineral makeup; best used on those who do not have dry skin. As a dryer skin will tend to make to mineral finish patchy. This depends on brand though as there are some lovely ones. My mum uses one called minerologie which is really illuminating with a great finish and does not tend to flake.

Spac filler is your friend; not in the sense of litterally spac filler from Hardware store, I wouldn't recommend putting that on your face. But in terms of a primer which gives a smooth finish for foundation. For example Clarins Lisse de Minute.

That's my skin tips for today. I don't think my skin is that good. It's a bit dry in patches, but I probably polish up ok with some makeup on!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


New years resolutions. Be skinnier, and de-foliate more. My legs, eyebrows, bikini and under arms this year have been wildly out of control. Have laybyed a new epilator so hopefully it will grab twice as much hair in half the time and I will be loving life. Or I will wish I were dead (or a boy) due to the pain caused! Girls have it tough!

Lose 5 kilos solely by being more healthy and excersizing more often! I have a preference for pole dancing for fitness.
I mean what is a new years resolution if you can't stick to it?

Buy a house and stop giving real estate agents such a head time. Not all agents are bad...

Give more love to more people that I care for.
Ok. Now to make sure I actually stick to all these things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

I live in a small state in a reasonably small town and I like it.
I like swimming in the cold sea.
I like pole dancing.
I like dinner out with friends.
I like shopping online. (no choice given small town status)
J'aime parler Fraincais.

I don't like people who hate without reason.
I don't like not being able to sleep.
I don't like when things I organize don't come together properly.
I don't like overhearing other people's dumb conversations. (how must I then sound?)
I don't like getting spray tans.
Je n'aime pas que je ne peux pas mieux a parler le Francais (make sense?)

I wish I was funnier.
I wish I could see better sunsets.
I wish I was a little slimmer, fitter, leaner.
I wish the property market was not so difficult to navigate.

Thats all I have for you today.

Puppy! awwww