Unfortunately I cannot claim ownership of this picture, it was actually taken by my future sister in law. But I really like it!
Which brings me to the topic of what I have been doing this weekend.

My poor dear computer, (below with its lovely stickers) Has been very slow and noisy lately (read: several months) so I decided it needed a complete over hall. Meaning, back up everything and delete entire hard drive. I was so scared to do it because my whole life is saved on my dear computer. but in the end it worked out well, and I am pretty much all updated and free of all the crap which has been lagging it for so long. Yay for me for figuring out how to do it all by myself!

In other news... Work road trip last week resulted in this mysterious foggy picture taken at something ridiculous like 6:30am in the morning!

And a beautiful shed is in the finishing stages of construction! Doors to be added and painting to be finished. Then... dum dum dum dum, on to the house!!!