Don't you just love having a catch up with a friend over coffee, or a yummy dinner. Today I had the rare chance to do both.
This morning I caught up with a friend who I see reasonab
ly often for a coffee at my mum's house. I turned on the clunky, 10 year old coffee machine at my mum's house and we sat around and drank hot chocolate and chai latte's while her daughter ran around watering the grass outside. It was just a blissful morning in the sun chatting and drinking yummy drinks, for a portion of the price of going out for coffee at a cafe.

Then this evening I had pad thai at a small takeaway 5min between another friend's and my house. The food wasn't gourmet, but it is always so nice to indulge in small pleasures such as catching up for a quick meal.

I ended up having a really nice day and it felt productive because I had caught up with people who I don't necessarily get to see that often, and it didn't cost too much money.
I would recommend taking time out every now and then to catch up with those people who you don't get to see very often. It can be hard to make time in you busy scedule and I know I am guilty of neglecting people. But you, and they will feel all the better for taking the time to catch up in person. Well, thats the way I feel anyway.
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